The Best Place To Rent Your  Direct Marketing Mailling List.

When it comes to obtaining a high-quality direct mail marketing list, working directly with a broker isn’t your only option. You have several options depending on your budget and time constraints, as well as your market. The following are three of the most popular and effective direct mail lists.

  1. Mailing list catalogs are an all-too-often underutilized resource for mailing lists and Smart Circle international ideas. Many of the more extensive list brokers are massive and have their catalogs.

Browsing through a mailing list catalog is a lot less stressful than trying to negotiate with a broker over the phone. Furthermore, it can assist you in expanding and refining your marketing strategy by displaying broad and narrowly targeted data groups that you may not have considered previously.

This type of information can alter your perspective on marketing. It may also provide you with entirely new demographics to test for profitability.

  1. Trade associations can provide high-quality leads for your B2B direct mail campaigns. Each industry typically has many trade associations that are organized by specialty or region. The majority of their rented lists are available on an adhesive mailing label or a digital download.

Each industry’s top players are members of one or more of the leading trade associations, so it pays to research the industry and its associations to see the largest, most respected, oldest, and so on.

  1. Your house-to-house list. Finally, no rented or compiled list will ever be as profitable as your customer list. Customers are much more likely to buy from you if they have previously purchased from you. According to some studies, these customers are seven times more likely to buy from you than non-customers!

Nothing beats mailing an offer to customers who already like your products or services and believe in your brand. While you don’t want to send to your house list so frequently that it becomes obnoxious, you should keep in touch with past customers as often as possible.