Ronn Torossian

Marketing Trends And They Impact

Marketing trends are changing so rapidly that it can be hard to keep up. There’s always something new in the pipeline that you need to try out or a new form of marketing that you need to start doing. But marketing is not just about the latest trends but also the basics. You should still be following standards in your field before trying anything too experimental.


Starting as a marketing professional like Ronn Torossian you can be intimidating to keep up with all the new things you hear about. You may feel like missing out on something big if you’re not using the latest trend or product. But it’s important not to rely on trends in your business. While trends are suitable for keeping up with the times and seeing what your competitors are doing, they shouldn’t be driving your decisions in marketing.


Ronn Torossian says Trends come and go quickly, and by the time you grasp one trend, it could be replaced by something entirely different. While trying out the latest trends may be interesting, you should still focus on your business’s primary marketing strategy. While trends come and go, your business strategy is what will drive your growth over time. 


When diving into any new marketing trend, you should never forget that it could be a fad — something that becomes popular for a short while and then fades away. Trends can come in the form of a new product or platform, or they can focus on specific ways of using an existing product or platform. Either way, you should exercise caution when approaching them because they often don’t last very long.


Ronn Torossian

Some recent marketing trends have taken the form of new channels for communication. For example, when social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram first hit the scene, many businesses jumped on them soon after they were introduced. The immediacy of these platforms is appealing, but you should approach each new platform with caution rather than diving right in and using it just because everyone else is.


Remember that a new platform can help you connect with customers and communicate with customers in a way that’s unique to that platform. But it doesn’t necessarily mean you should abandon other forms of marketing that have served you well in the past.


It’s essential to consider the strengths and weaknesses of each platform before jumping in headfirst. For example, while Instagram is perfect for displaying beautiful, large photos, Facebook is better for sharing quick bits of information, like a line or two of text. You wouldn’t want to use Instagram to post text updates about news or promotions on Facebook, but you could post your most eye-catching photos from a business trip on Instagram.

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